Andy Lodge

Scarborough Ride Out – 14th July

14 bikes met at the Little Chef near Tadcaster

Flimber Café stop on route to the coast


Parked up at Sunny Scarborough

Matlock Bath Ride Out 16th June

At the start point of the ride, 10 bikes and 13 people ready for the off!


Bev AKA ‘Duck Woman’ feeding the birds at the Ladybower stop






Matlock Bath refreshment break


Sowerby Bridge Classic Bike & Scooter Show

Enjoying the sunshine at the show that was well attended by branch members on Sunday 27th May.

A wide variety of bikes were on display and the event in its 5th year was very popular with the general public – good weather always helps!

Commando wins best in class

Dales / Thirsk ride out 12th May

13 bikes joined the run and covered 124 miles in sunny / dry conditions.

Stop for refreshments in Thirsk market place


JPN Commando, ex Mick Grant

Commando’s on show at Stafford

Kenny Dreer Commando 880cc

Norton Motorcycles Dealership in Yorkshire

It’s good to see new Norton’s again for sale in our region, Teesdale Motorcycles have a nice display of bikes in their Thirsk showroom,

The Commando celebrates 50 years since its launch this year

The Norton Commando – 50 years on and still a brilliant machine, it’s not doing bad for what was meant to be a stop gap model!

First Ride Out of 2018

The first ride out of the year for branch members took place on Saturday 7th April, the weather wasn’t kind but 6 brave individuals turned up and tested their waterproofs!

Branch Christmas Dinner

22 people attended the dinner at the Bankhouse pub in Pudsey, a great evening event.