Ride Outs

2024 Ride out Programme

Sunday 21st July – Peak District

Eight bikes met at the 3 Nuns petrol station across from the Miller and Carter restaurant which is located on the A62 near Mirfield, from there the group rode past the Emley Moor mast and met up with another two riders next to the Langsett reservoir. A great ride down the Strines followed and the group stopped for a break at the Fairholmes cafe in the woods for drinks and a chat. The next destination was the cafe at Monyash for lunch which was reached by passing through Bakewell. Monyash was very busy with a variety of modern and classic machines attending. After lunch the group made their way back home via Buxton, Glossop and the Woodhead pass. The weather was perfect for biking and 110 miles were covered in the day.


Sunday 23rd June – Pennines and Hollingworth Lake
The June branch ride occurred on Sunday 23
rd June, from the meeting point at the petrol station just off the Kildwick roundabout 7 bikes set off initially in a north westerly direction and followed the moorland roads to Hebden Bridge via Wycoller and Oxenhope, from Hebden Bridge the group rode to Hollingworth Lake for the lunch stop via Todmorden and Littleborough. After lunch the group rode back to Oxenhope KWVR station for ice creams via Cragg Vale. When the group first set off some areas of low cloud occurred but cleared before Hebden Bridge was reached , on the return journey it was bright sunshine all the way. 97 miles were covered on the ride out with 8 people taking part.

Saturday 25th May – Scarborough
The May branch ride out on Saturday 25th May occurred as planned with the group meeting at the Greggs car park on the east bound A64, the destination being Scarborough. As the road through Stamford Bridge was closed a route to our first stop at Fridaythorpe was navigated by Martin and his trusty SatNav, this involved an interesting cross country route that kept the group on their toes! After the stop the group rode to Scarborough and stopped for an hour for a walk around. On our return journey a stop was made at the NY500 cafe which is close to Flamingo Land, this cafe has a motoring theme with cars and bikes on display inside. From this last stop the group then made their ways home via the A64, 7 bikes and 11 people (4 pillion riders) attended the ride out which covered 167 miles in nice dry conditions.

Saturday 6th April – Yorkshire Dales ride out.
The first ride out of the year took place on Saturday 6th April, originally this was planned for Sunday 7th but a late change was made due to the forecasted bad weather on Sunday. From the meeting point the group rode through Kettlewell and stopped at Berries cafe on the road between Aysgarth and Leyburn for drinks, then moved onto Masham for lunch in the market square. The rain kept away but there were plenty of puddles on route to keep the group on their toes, high winds also set in during the afternoon session. From Masham the group split up with 2 riders returning on the same route home, the other riders returned on the easterly route passing through Ripley and Pool. Five Norton’s were present on the ride out and 118 miles were covered on the day.

2023 Ride out Programme

Saturday 16th September – Pennine Area ride out.

This was the last formal branch planned ride outs for 2023. Six bikes (5 Norton’s and 9 people) met at the Co-Op fuel station near the Kildwick roundabout between Keighley and Skipton. The group then rode out towards Colne then turned left over the moors back towards Oxenhope, the nicely surfaced road over the moor between Oxenhope and Hebden Bridge gave riders the opportunity to exercise their bikes before the poorly surfaced climb up Cragg Vale was encountered, dropping into Lancashire the sunshine appeared and the group stopped at Hollingworth Lake for refreshments at the pub overlooking the lake. The group then rode through Milnrow and turned back over the moors towards Yorkshire where the low cloud made negotiating the moorland road tricky for a couple of riders who confessed to having a few ‘moments’, avoiding Cragg Vale on the return leg the group rode back through Sowerby Bridge and back over the moors for the final stop at Oxenhope where more refreshments were taken in the buffet car on the platform. 102 miles were covered on the day in mixed conditions but without any rainfall.


Sunday 13th August – Peak District ride out.
Seven bikes met at the ride out start point, from there the group rode over to Tim Dickinson’s house via Emley Moor where Tim kindly provided Tea, Coffee and buns and a look at his extensive bike collection. Following an extended stop at Tim’s, Tim joined the group on his Commando and led the group down the Strines to the Ladybower reservoir area where most of the group had their lunch. Two of the bikes left the group at this point to venture in other directions whist the remainder rode back home via Glossop and Holme Moss. Six Nortons attended the run and 99 miles were covered (probably more like 140 miles for those who has to travel further than the secretary to the meeting point!!!).


Saturday 17th June – Branch ride out from the NOC National Rally in Aberfoyle
8 bike joined the ride out (all from the Yorkshire branch), setting off from Aberfoyle the group rode first to Tarbet on the west shore of Loch Lomond for the first coffee stop, from there the ride went through Arrochar and onto Inveraray on the banks of Long Fyne where a longer stop occurred to let riders have a walk around the town and view the stalls set up for the armed forces day. Heading north then turning west the last stop was at Tyndrum where refreshments were taken at the famous Green Welly cafe before heading back to Arrochar over the challenging Dukes Pass. Fortunately the branch ride out avoided the wet weather encountered by other NOC group ride outs on the day and 149 miles were covered in the very scenic settings.

Saturday 20th May – East Coast
12 bikes met up at the Gregg’s cafe on the eastbound A64 near Tadcaster, the group then rode over to the Seaways cafe at Fridayhorpe for the first stop, from there the next stop was the Oasis cafe on the Scarborough north bay seafront. Photo’s were taken with Scarborough castle in the background with 6 Commando’s in a line up (the seventh Commando and riders had left shortly before to meet up with friends who lived locally). Following the lunch break the group then rode back via Thornton le Dale, York, Cawood and the last stop at Squires cafe near Sherburn. On this last stretch of the ride some of the group came across an accident where a bike (not from our group) had hit the side of a car, causing both to crash, the bike rider was hospitalised following a delay where the police and ambulance service had to attend. The ride out was again blessed with sunshine all the way and 167 miles were covered during the day.

Saturday 8th April – Yorkshire Dales

The branch formal ride out programme recommenced on Saturday 8th April, our first ride out of the year took us into the Yorkshire Dales, we met at the Trawlerman area just off the Kildwick roundabout (near Skipton), as per Peter Holland’s advice we assembled away from the Trawlerman’s car park (in the petrol station area). 10 bikes turned up, 5 of them being Norton’s, from there we rode north with stops at Kettlewell, Hawes and Masham. The weather on the day was perfect for biking and the views between Kettlewell and Hawes were particularly spectacular in the spring sunshine. 146 miles were covered during the ride out.

2022 Ride Out Programme


Sunday 25th September – Lakeland Motor Museum

Russ Ward organised the Chairman’s Ride Out, the destination was the Lakeland Motor Museum at Newby Bridge which is at the southern tip of Lake Windermere. Ten bikes met at the Trawlerman fish and chip shop car park and rode directly to the museum, the temperature was decidedly chilly with a light rain shower taking place in the last mile before arriving at the museum. All the riders headed straight to the cafe for lunch and a hot drink to warm up, then spent an hour and a half looking around the museum before heading homeward. A stop was made at Devils Bridge on the return journey which occurred in dry, slightly warmer weather. Rocky an NOC member from the Sheffield area joined a ride out for the first time and was riding a 961 Norton. 159 miles were covered during the ride out.


Saturday 13th August – Slaidburn, Devils Bridge, Dent and Settle.

10 bikes met at the Trawlerman car park (near the Kildwick roundabout) and set off at 10.30am, the first stop was at Slaidburn in the Forest of Bowland where many enjoyed lunch at the  cafe by the river, from there the group rode over a route with stunning views of the Yorkshire 3 peaks to Ingleton for a fuel stop, then rode onto Devils Bridge. After refreshments in the sunshine the route then took us through Dent again passing through spectacular hillside areas before turning south towards Ribblehead Viaduct, unfortunately Nick’s 1930 ES2 coasted to a halt, roadside investigation revealed a lack of compression and what looked like a piece of an exhaust valve sitting on top of the piston, Carole Nash recovery was summoned to transport the bike back to Southport. After being split up by the breakdown most of the group then made it to the final stop at Elaine’s cafe in Feizor near Settle, after more refreshments and a chat riders made their way home. 160 miles were covered in the day in very hot weather.

Sunday 3rd July – Flamborough Head

The branch July ride out took place on Sunday 3rd July, twelve bikes (5 Norton’s) met at the old Little Chef car park (now Greggs) on the east bound A64 between Tadcaster and York, Ian Barnes came for a chat with the guys on his Honda CB750, but couldn’t join the group for the ride out due to other commitments. The ride out set off to the East Coast with a stop at the Seaways cafe in Fridaythorpe, then rode onto Flamborough Head where dinner was enjoyed at the excellent cafe next to the lighthouse. The return journey skirted the outskirts of Filey before returning via Sledmere with a last stop at the cafe in the woods by Fimber. A few spots of very light rain fell whilst at the cafe but nothing really worth mentioning so the ride out was conducted in dry weather. 173 miles were covered in the day.

Sunday 21st May 2022

The May ride out occurred on Saturday 21st May, the destination was the Peak District. 11 bikes met at the Petrol station car park across from the Miller and Carter Steakhouse (formerly the Three Nuns Pub. The group rode down the wonderful Strines Valley and stopped at the Fairholmes car park/cafe area by the Derwent reservoir for lunch. From there they rode back over Snake Pass into Glossop, then over Holme Moss on the way home, as they were ascending Holme Moss the Lancaster bomber from the Battle of Britain flight spectacularly flew overhead. The weather for the run was dry and 84 miles were covered during the ride.


Sunday 24th April 2022:

Yorkshire Dales Ride Out. – 10 bikes attended the ride out setting off from Kildwick, passing through Skipton before the first stop at Kettlewell, from there the group rode over to Hawes for a lunch stop at the Hawes Creamery. Following lunch the group rode over to Masham for another stop before heading home via Ripley and Pool Bank. 134 miles were covered in the day in dry bright conditions.



The 2021 Ride Out Programme

Saturday 18th September – Yorkshire Dales

The next ride out will be a Yorkshire Dales run on Saturday 18th September, the meeting place will be at the Trawlerman fish and chip shop car park just off the Kildwick roundabout (the last roundabout on the dual carriageway between Keighley and Skipton at the Skipton end), this roundabout is where the A629 joins the A6068. Meet at 10.00am for a 10.30am prompt start. In case of bad weather the ride out will be cancelled, if you want to check on the morning of the ride that it’s still going ahead, contact Andy between 08.00am and 09.00am on 07810 658994.


Wednesday 25th August – Standedge Canal Tunnel/ Delph

A short notice ride out was organised on the Wednesday (25th August) after the cancelled ride out using the WhatsApp group messaging system, 7 bikes met at JEMs Speedshop in Batley, from there the group rode over to Standedge Canel tunnel cafe in Marsden, Huddersfield via Emley Moor, Holmfirth and Meltham. After refreshments we rode over the Pennines to Delph and visited Saddleworth Classic Motorcycles which is a proper old school business with a good selection of classic bikes and spares for sale. The return route went through Denshaw and Outlane, the ride covered 66 miles and was conducted in dry bright weather leading to great views of the Pennines and the local towns, ideal for motorcycling.
If you are not already using WhatsApp on your Smart phone and want to be included on this messaging system contact Andy who should be able to add you to the group.

Saturday 10th July – East Coast

A poor weather forecast reduced attendance on the day, however, 7 branch members met up for our ride out, the weather forecast indicated light rain was likely all day but our route to Scarborough via Fridaythorpe and return via Helmsley was dry all the way, 180 miles were covered in the day.

Saturday 29th May – Tan Hill

In total 13 bikes joined the run up to Tan Hill, from the meeting point near Kildwick the group rode up through Kettlewell, passed Hawes and up to Tan Hill where the group stopped for lunch. The majority of the group made their way back initially heading east passing through Reeth, Layburn, Ripon and Pool Bank. 150 miles were covered in the day in near perfect riding conditions.


The 2020 Ride Out Programme

Thursday 3rd September – Carding Sheds

15 branch members met at the Marsh Inn in Pudsey for our September ride out / meeting, from there the group rode over to the Carding Sheds where lunch was enjoyed in the Oil Can Café, the weather turned out to be better than forecast so the 60 mile round trip was enjoyed on scenic dry roads. Only one incident occurred where a drivers RHS footrest dropped off a Model 19 causing a short delay whilst the footrest was retrieved! 12 bikes joined the run, all were Norton’s with the exception of one Royal Enfield and one Yamaha.


Tuesday 30th June – Fimber Cafe

Well our first ‘sort of’ meeting / ride out took place today and 9 bikes turned up at the Fimber cafe in the woods, this was a good turn out considering many of us set off in light rain to get to the cafe for 11.00am. Thankfully the weather behaved for the rest of the day and the rain didn’t put in another appearance.

Our attendee’s were:

Andrew Sharp – Dominator 99 Deluxe

Nigel Birdsall – Rotary Commander

Barrie Blayney – Electra

John Oldridge – Velo Clubman

Barry Lodge – Enfield Interceptor

Don Tovey – Triumph (Speedmaster?)

Bob Nabozny – Yamaha Thundercat

Ian Barnes – Triumph Street Triple

and your’s truly – BMW R1200R

Unfortunately the cafe at Fimber isn’t open on Tuesdays but the toilets are, hence after a chit chat the group road across to the Strawberry Fields Cafe just south of York on the A19 via quaint back roads, thanks go out to Ian Barnes for leading the group on this route. I will look to organise another run in the near future where hopefully the sun shines and we can get a few more Norton’s to join (my Commando was all set to go but the BMW was already mucky so that’s my excuse!).


The 2019 Ride Out Programme

Saturday 14th September

The last branch planned ride out of the year took place on Saturday 14th September, 11 bikes met up at Squires Cafe Bar near Sherburn in Elmet, Tony arrived on his 1920’s Model 25 (500cc OHV) to meet the group but didn’t join the ride out, the Model 25 created a lot of interest from other bikers at the cafe. The destination of the ride out was Scarborough, on the way a stop was made at the café in the woods by Fimber, 3 more bikes joined the run there making a total of 13 bikes. From Fimber the group rode out past Sledmere and down Saxton Hill to Scarborough. The weather was perfect for the run with 172 miles being covered in the day.

Saturday 24th August

The ride out on Saturday 24th August was organised by John Oldridge, the group met at the Sun Inn Fewston at 10.00am and rode up through Pateley Bridge to Jervaulx Abbey where we stopped for refreshments, Tony on his 500T had an ignition problem on route but was able to fix it and meet up with the group at the Abbey tea rooms. Just before we were due to set off to Reeth for the next leg of the journey the group witnessed a serious accident were a car turning into the tea room car park pulled across the path of a motorcycle, the rider of the motorcycle was thrown over the car on impact landing in the road. Martin Holdsworth’s paramedic skills were required to assist the rider as were the those of a doctor who was delayed in the traffic, emergency services were called and after approximately an hour to an hour and a half the rider was transported to hospital in an ambulance.
Due to delays the ride out to the Reeth area was curtailed and most of the group rode to the Hawes Creamery for more refreshments, from there people made there own way back home. 17 bikes joined the ride out that was conducted in hot and sunny conditions, 138 miles were covered in the day.

Saturday 13th July

The July branch ride out set off from Jem’s Speed Shop, Batley. 10 bikes joined the ride out which thankfully occurred in completely dry conditions. The group rode over the Pennines into Lancashire stopping at Hollingworth Lake for lunch, from there the group rode back to gods own county for a stop at Oxenhope. Approximately 80 miles were covered on the ride.

Saturday 20th April

The first branch ride out of the year took place on Saturday 20th April, a record 21 bikes (25 people) turned up on a gloriously sunny start to the branch ride out season. The group made it’s way towards Colne but then proceeded to ride over to Gargrave, Malham, and Arncliffe before stopping for a lunch break at Kilnsey fish farm, 2 members of the group who got lost along the way met up at the fish farm. After the break most of the group then made their way to the Fewston reservoir for an ice cream stop before riding home. 112 miles were covered on the day.

Saturday 18th May – Ride out towards the east coast

Yorkshire Branch members met at the old Little Chef car park (now Gregg’s and Burger King I believe) on the eastbound A64 by Tadcaster, from the meeting point the group rode over to Fridaythorpe (Seaways Café) where they met members of the East Yorkshire branch. The group then rode over back roads to Castle Howard and then stopped at Hutton-le-Hole for lunch refreshments. The weather was forecast to be showery but fortunately remained dry for the ride with only a few wet roads being encountered. A lot of the ride was unfortunately on roads that had recently been surface dressed so speeds where limited in these areas. 11 bikes joined the ride out and 168 miles were covered in the day.

Saturday 15th June – Ladybower Reservoir

The branch ride out for June is scheduled for this coming Saturday (15th June), we will be meeting at Jem’s Speed Shop, Bradford Road, Batley (next to the entrance to Batley Park). The meeting time will be 10.00am for a 10.30am start. The destination for the ride out will be the Ladybower Reservoir area in Derbyshire.


The 2018 Ride Out Programme


Saturday 7th April – Colne / Oxenhope area

Five bikes met at the Trawlerman chip shop car park near Skipton, due to rain with further heavy rain predicted throughout the day the original run out to Thirsk was changed in favour of a much shorted run out towards Colne, followed by a trip back across the moors to Oxenhope where refreshments were enjoyed in the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway buffet car. 53 miles were covered on the ride out.

Saturday 12th May – Dales / Thirsk area

The ride out on Saturday 12th May was conducted in near perfect riding conditions (warm and dry and not too hot), from the meeting place at the Trawlerman Fish and Chip shop car park the group passed through Addingham, Bolton Abbey and Burnsall before stopping at Stump Cross Caverns for refreshments, from there the group rode up to Thirsk and stopped at Teesdale Motorcycles (Norton dealer) followed by a lunch stop in Thirsk market place. On the return journey the group headed back towards Harrogate but went cross country at Killinghall down towards Pool Bank. 13 bikes attended the run (16 people in total), it was a good well attended ride out covering 124 miles and we had no incidents to report (breakdown’s, bikes falling over or losing members of the group!).

Saturday 16th June – The destination is Matlock Bath in Derbyshire.

13 people and 10 bikes met at Jems Speed Shop and the group set off to Matlock Bath at 10.30am as planned. The planned route took the group over the Strines Moor with a planned stop at the Ladybower reservoir car park for refreshments,  from there the group headed down through Hathersage and Bakewell before arriving at Matlock Bath were more refreshments were taken. 4 bikes decided to take the more direct route home via the M1 but the majority wanted to take the scenic route back cross country, on reaching Huddersfield the group had to pass through a rainstorm of biblical proportions with the roads being more like rivers in some places, fortunately this was the only rain encountered on the day where the initial forecast wasn’t too good. 123 miles were covered on the run.

Saturday 14th July – Scarborough

The ride out occurred on Saturday 14th July, the destination was Scarborough, 14 bikes (18 people) met at the Little Chef car park located on the east bound A64 in the Tadcaster area. From the meeting place the ride out went through Stamford Bridge and stopped at the Flimber Café for refreshments, from Flimber the group then rode to Scarborough where they parked in the designated parking area for bikes between the North and South Bays. The return journey went through Pickering / Helmsley. The weather was very good (hot) and 177 miles were covered in the day.

August no ride out planned due to rallies / shows

September – Sunday 16th.

John Oldridge has volunteered to organise the September ride out which will go through the Dales / North Yorkshire area. Meet at the Sun Inn by the Fewston reservoir (North of Otley) at 10.00am for a 10.30 prompt start.

October – Saturday 6th

Martin Holdsworth volunteered to organise the October ride out, 9 bikes met just outside Wetherby and rode across to Easingwold for the first stop, after refreshments the group rode through the glorious backroads of the North York’s moors area before stopping at the Wistlestop café in Whitby for lunch. The group returned back over the Moors before dropping back onto the A64 near York to make their respective ways home. The forecast for the day was not promising with rain and winds predicted, however, only a few brief light showers were encountered. 185 miles were covered on the day and 13 people took part in the ride out which was the last planned for this year.


The 2017 Ride Out Programme and Branch events

Saturday 15th April – Dales Ride Out (Andy).
The very well attended ride out set off from the Kingfisher fish and chip shop car park and headed north to Malham passing the Cove on the narrow roads, from there it dropped down towards Settle and stopped at Ribblehead for photos. A lunch break was taken in Hawes then the group returned via Aysgarth, Kettlewell, Grassington and back to Skipton where the group split to go their own ways home. 13 bikes attended the run (6 of which were Norton’s), 16 people in total joined the ride out and 130 miles were covered in the day. The weather was fine and the group was lucky to miss rain showers that had passed through sections of the ride earlier in the day, it was a good start to the ride out programme.

Saturday 13th May – Peak District Ride Out – Hence forth known as the ‘drop off ride out’

10 bikes (12 people) met at the old 3 Nuns Pub (now Miller & Carter Steak House, Leeds Road), within the first 20 miles we had three ‘drop off’ events, first Don’s headlight dropped out of its mounting, then climbing Holme Moss a footrest dropped off Gary’s bike and at the same time the rear brake master cylinder cap dropped off Mark’s bike! The run went passed Huddersfield, over Holme Moss and onto Glossop with a bit of light rain on the higher ground, Snake Pass was negotiated and the first stop was at the Ladybower reservoir, from Ladybower the group went down to Castleton for a lunch break. After lunch a big scenic loop around the north of Castleton led us back to Hope but unfortunately Mark’s clutch cable snapped, fortunately Russ had a spare cable so after a little delay the group then made its way back across the Strines Moor back towards Huddersfield. 103 miles were covered on this second ride out of the year.

28th May – Sowerby Bridge Classic Bike & Scooter Show.

Saturday 17th June – Scarborough Ride Out,

Eleven bikes met at the Little Chef on the eastbound A64 just past Tadcaster, the run went to the north of York across country through Helmsley and turned off the main route at Thornton-le-Dale to take in the Dalby Forest drive. The first stop was at the Dalby Forest visitors centre café for refreshments, welcome shade was found as the sun was blazing down all day. Unfortunately our ‘tail man’  who we use to ensure we don’t lose people on the drop off system got lost and missed the first stop! From the forest the group rode into Scarborough and passed along the sea front on the way to the lunch stop at Oliver’s Mount, fortunately our ‘tail man’ was there waiting for us. A few laps of Oliver’s Mount were enjoyed before and after the lunch break. The group then rode back over the Wolds and had another stop in the shady wooded area of the Flimber Café, from there people made their way home. 192 miles were covered in the day without any machine issues interrupting the ride.

Saturday 15th  July – Unfortunately the ride out was cancelled due to heavy rain fall on the day.


6th August – Hebden Bridge Vintage Weekend.


Saturday 12th August – scenic moors, railways and reservoirs

The route took in scenic moors, railways and reservoirs in West Yorks, Lancashire and North Yorks. 6 bikes met at the Miller & Carter car park at Mirfield and rode over to Hollingworth Lake near Rochdale, over the top of the Pennines we passed through light rain and could see a wonderful rainbow in the valley below, a photo was taken with the group (8 people in total) with the Lake in the background. From Hollingworth the group rode down to Hebden Bridge via Cragg Vale (a bumpy road that punished your kidneys!), then rode over the moors to Oxenhope for a lunch break at the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway station. Lunch was taken on the platform and an added bonus was the arrival of a steam train. When setting off from the station the group was joined by a stranger on a T100 Hinckley Bonneville who wanted to tag along for the rest of the ride. The group then rode over to Skipton again over the moors passing close to Colne, then onto Fewston reservoir by Otley before splitting up and making their respective ways home. The day was fine with only light rain on top of the Pennines, 110 miles were covered on the ride out.


Saturday 23rd September – Forest of Bowland and Arnside

The ride started from the Trawlerman car park near the Kildwick roundabout close to Skipton, from there we headed to Slaidburn where we had a first refreshment stop. The group then headed off towards Arnside over Great How, however close to the summit Mark’s Commando cut out due to what was believed to have been a carb problem which couldn’t be resolved at the road side, Mark eventually had to be recovered by breakdown recovery, at the same stop Martin’s T160 Trident had also stated to intermittently cut out so he headed home, he believes the problem was linked to a newly fitted Tri-Spark ignition! Just before Arnside a third problem arose when Russ had a puncture in his rear tyre! Fortunately after recently touring France / Belgium on his Commando he was able to replace the inner tube at the side of the road as he still was loaded up with lots of ‘just in case’ spares on the bike. After lunch at Arnside the group split up due to it being quite late in the day to make their return journeys home.
The ride out was blessed with good dry weather for the entire route, 12 bikes attended the route (some actually made it all the way around!) and we had a guy on a modern T100 Triumph Scrambler who hadn’t been riding long tag along for the last part of the ride, he was a Lancastrian but we overlooked that on this occasion. 163 miles were covered in the day.


The 2016 Ride Out Programme and branch events

The ride out programme for 2016 commenced on Saturday April 30th, the destination was the Aviation Heritage Wolds Run at East Kirby airfield, Spilsby, Lincolnshire. 8 bikes (11 people) took part in the run which covered 230 miles in the day. Fortunately after a frosty start the weather was good for the day with just a few light showers occurring.


Sunday 15th May – The ride out to Little Ouseburn  ‘Open Gardens’ event took place on Sunday 15th May. The weather was good yet again and 110 miles were covered in the day. 7 bikes attended the event (6 Norton’s) with 9 people in all attending.


Sunday 29th May – Sowerby Bridge Classic Bike Show, the branch will put on a display and erect the NOC marque.


Sunday 12th June –  8 bikes met at the Sun Inn, North of Otley near Swinsty / Fewston. The first stop was at the Watermill Cafe, Carlton Miniott were John Oldridge joined the group with his Model 50 (making it a total of 6 Norton’s and 9 bikes in total). The run then went through Kirkbymoorside into the north York Moors and then dramatically entered Rosedale by the Chimney for a break at one of Rosedale’s cafes.  The ride went further north over the North York Moors on minor roads with spectacular views arriving at Grosmont. From Grosmont people then made their own way back home. 156 miles were covered on the day. The outbound section of the ride was conducted in dry conditions, on the return journey a number of participants encountered heavy rain showers. Now for the eventful bits!!!
The first incident happened as we past Ripon on one of its roundabouts, our intrepid Chairman managed to run into one of our Yamaha mounted members, it resulted in a clash of handlebars with no damage or injury to either party – note for Chairman, a modern Yamaha with ABS and disk brakes all round can stop a lot quicker than an Electra with a SLS front brake!
The next incident was not funny, one of the members on a different Yamaha slid off his bike at slow speed at the bottom of Sutton Bank where diesel fuel was seen on the road. The bike was damaged but after a few running repairs the rider was able to ride home without any further problem (a new screen and headlamp cover being required with some additional touch up painting work).
And finally, on the way home our Chairman also slid off his bike on a very wet roundabout with diesel again suspected to have contributed to the tumble. The only damage to the Electra was a bent footrest (since straightened) and fortunately the Chairman was fine after the event.


Saturday 30th July – Scarborough ride out with a lap or two of Oliver’s Mount added. 13 bikes attended the ride out, 7 of which were Norton’s. The ride out was blessed with lovely dry weather and 173 miles were covered on the day. Dave and Phil from the East Yorkshire branch joined us for the first time and were very welcome additions with their Commando 750 S and Model 50 respectively.


Sunday 7th August – Hebden Bridge Vintage Weekend, the branch put on a display of 10 Norton’s and erected the NOC marque.


Saturday 27th August – Peak District ride out, Five bikes (7 people) attended the ride out which the weather forecast predicted would be dry (it was wrong!!!), The first stop was at ‘The Carding Shed’ at Hepworth near Holmfirth which is well worth a visit for classic vehicle fans and has the wonderful ‘Oil Can Cafe’. Heading into the High Peak area of Derbyshire the rain started to fall leaving Glossop and never stopped after that for the duration of the ride out. 90 miles were covered on the run on great roads (even if a lot of them were wet!), the original route to Castleton was changed to bring the group the quickest way back to West Yorkshire due to the rain getting heavier, coming back across Strines Moor normally a kidney jarring experience proved to be pleasurable as the road surface has now been completely resurfaced for the entire length of the route making it once again a great biking road. Alan Sessions was a welcome visitor on the run from the East Yorkshire branch on his 961 Norton.

Last 2016 ride out date – Saturday 24th September, meet at the Sun Inn by the Fewston reservoir at 10.00am for a 10.30am prompt start. Martin Holdsworth will lead the ride which will pass through Masham with the destination being Hawes. The route Martin is planning will be over 100 miles and will take in quite a few of the minor roads in the area.



The 2015 branch ride outs and events.

Saturday 4th April – Branch ride out in the Yorkshire Dales. 8 bikes attended the ride out in good weather with 131 miles being covered in the day. (Andy)

Sunday 12th April – NOC AGM at Donington Hall

Saturday 25th / Sunday 26th April – Stafford Classic Bike Show (no branch involvement, just for information).

Saturday 16th May – Branch ride out – 7 bikes (5 Norton’s) attended the ride out that visited the Dalby Forest, Scarborough and called at the Fimber Café on the way home. 183 miles were covered in the day. Peter Shand from the East York’s branch joined the group for the first time on his 850 Mk3 Commando.


Sunday 24th May – Sowerby Bridge Classic Bike Show


Friday 29th May to Monday 1st June – NOC International Rally Wicklow, Ireland


Saturday 13th June – Branch ride out – Junes ride out took place on Saturday 13th June. The run went through Pendle, the Forest of Bowland with a stop at Dunsop Bridge, then through Caton on to Devil’s Bridge for a lunch stop, returning via Dent and Settle. 4 bikes attended the run (5-people) and 155 miles were covered in the day. The forecast wasn’t brilliant but once passed Keighley the rain stopped and the ride out took place on dry roads in near ideal biking conditions. Thanks to Peter Holland for organizing the ride out through a very scenic part of the country.


Thursday 25th to Sunday 28th June – NOC Slate Rally in Snowdonia

Saturday 18th or Sunday 19th July – Branch ride out – Ride out cancelled due to holidays, next ride out 8th or 9th August.

Sunday 2nd August – Hebden Bridge Vintage Weekend

Sunday 9th August – Norton Day at Coventry Transport museum.

Saturday 26th September –

The ride out ventured into the Derbyshire Peak District via Holme Moss, Glossop and Ladybower stopping in Castleton for lunch, 5 bikes (7 people) attended the run which took place in ideal biking conditions (unlike the original date planned for this run when it rained for most of the day). Approximately 90 miles were covered in the day.


Next planned ride out 21st November –

a ride around the Yorkshire Dales will take place (weather permitting). The meeting place will be just off the Kildwick roundabout (the last roundabout on the dual carriageway between Keighley and Skipton at the Skipton end), this roundabout is where the A629 joins the A6068. The meeting place will be the Kingfisher fish and chip shop car park, this is next to the Texaco garage just off the roundabout. The meeting time will be 10.00am for a 10.30am prompt start. Note should the weather be bad on the day the ride out will be cancelled, if in doubt call Andy on Saturday morning between 08:00am and 9:00am to confirm the ride out is going ahead.




The 2014 ride outs

A list of ride outs dates for 2014 has been put together, these have been compiled so as not to clash with motorcycle / other events that may be of interest to branch members. Six weekend dates have been proposed with one ride out being scheduled each month from April through to September inclusive, these are as follows:

 Saturday 19th April 2014 (Andy Lodge) – Dales run. 13 bikes attended the first run of the year (16 people), 173 miles were covered on the ride out in cool but sunny conditions that started near Skipton and called in at Ripon and Hawes on route.

Sunday 18th May 2014 ( Martin Holdsworth) – ride out to Masham / Tan Hill area, 12 bikes attended the run (7 Norton’s), 166 miles were covered in bright sunshine on the day.

Saturday 14th June 2014 (Peter Holland) – ride out through Calderdale, Pendle, and the Yorkshire Dales. 7 bikes attended (4 Norton’s), 146 miles were covered on yet another dry ride out.

(CANCELLED) Next Planned Ride out Saturday 19th July 2014 – cancelled due to bad weather

Sunday 17th August 2014 (Andy Lodge) –  Peak District, 4 bikes (2 Norton’s) attended the ride out which occurred in sunshine / showery conditions, 100 miles were covered on the run. Numbers were low as expected on the day due to members attending International Rallies and having other commitments.

 Saturday 20th September 2014 (Andy Lodge – Scarborough Run) – 9 bikes attended the run (5 Norton’s and 11 people in total), the weather wasn’t great with cloud and occasional light showers. 180 miles were covered in the day, the ride out was eventful with a petrol starvation problem on a dominator, an ECU light illuminating on a Honda (not normally a problem on a Norton!) and our first ride out tumble when a Yamaha hit the deck on a slippery corner (no serious damage to rider or bike thankfully).


 The 2013 ride out schedule 

Ride Through the Trough of Bowland – Sunday 12th May 2013

 Ride out planned for Sunday 12th May. The meeting place will be just off the Kildwick roundabout (the last roundabout on the dual carriageway between Keighley and Skipton at the Skipton end), this roundabout is where the A629 joins the A6068. The meeting place will be the Kingfisher fish and chip shop car park, this is next to the BP garage just off the roundabout and is visible from the dual carriageway. The meeting time will be 10.00am for a 10.30am prompt start.

* 11 bikes attended the run which was largely in wet conditions, 146 miles covered in the day.

East Coast Run – Saturday 22nd June 2013

We have a ride out planned for Saturday 22nd June, the destination is Scarborough. Meet at the Little Chef on the east bound A64 by Tadcaster at 10:00am for a 10:30am prompt start If the weather is bad (like the last ride out) the ride out will be cancelled, light rain is OK but the torrential stuff isn’t!

 * 8 bikes attended the run, 192 miles were covered in the day.

Ride Out – Saturday 20th July 2013

Peter Holland led a ride out north west into the Devils Bridge area. The weather was very good (hot and sunny which made a pleasant change from our last ride out in this area!).
* 166 miles were covered in the day, 10 bikes (6 Norton’s) attended the ride out.

Ride Out – Sunday 15th September 2013 (last planned in 2013)

The original ride out planned to Saltburn-by-the-sea was changed on the day when the group met at the Little Chef, the hill climb had been cancelled and bad weather was forecast so a 120 mile run around North Yorkshire took place instead. 7 bikes took part in the run (6 Norton’s). At the original meeting point Tony came to see the group on his plunger ES2 but was unable to join the ride out. The return from Ripon was made in damp conditions.

Ride Out – Saturday 12th October 2013 – Yorkshire Dales Chairman’s Run

This extra ride out was held to celebrate Barrie Blayney’s 99 being back on the road (he missed all the rest of the ride out’s this year (and last!)). 9 bikes met at the café at Otley (6 Norton’s), the run stopped at Pateley Bridge and the Sun Inn at Fewston. The conditions were drizzly and misty on high ground but all seemed to enjoy being able to get out for the ‘extra’ ride out. 73 miles were covered on the run.