Christmas Curry Night Outing 9th December 2022

17 branch members enjoyed our annual branch Christmas curry night.

A great way to get branch members together 🙂

September 25th Branch ride out – Lakeland Motor Museum

Ten bikes joined the ride out and covered 159 miles during the round trip.

August Ride Out

The ride out first stop was at Slaidburn, from there we rode to Devils Bridge, Dent and Settle, 160 miles were covered on a very hot day.

10 bikes joined the run, Nick came from Southport on his 1930 ES2 to join the ride out, his friend came on a 1940 Harley Davidson.

Ride Out to Flamborough Head – 3rd July

Lunch stop at the Flamborough Head lighthouse. We covered 173 miles during the ride out in dry conditions 🙂

12 bikes met up for the run to the coast

Skipton Bike Show, Sunday 26th June

8 Norton’s on display at the show at the Skipton Auction Mart that was organised by the Aire Valley Classic Motorcycle Club

Branch members at the International Rally in the Czech Republic

Ride Out 21st May – Peak District

11 bikes set off for the Peak District ride out.

Following a visit to the Fairholmes cafe by the Derwent reservoir the group stopped at Holme Moss on the way home to admire the view.

April 24th Branch Ride Out – Yorkshire Dales

10 bikes attended the first run of the year, first stop Kettlewell.

Masham stop, in total 134 miles covered during the ride out.

Branch Christmas Event

Branch members enjoying the annual Christmas get together at the Rupyal Indian restaurant.

Inter NOC branch Quiz – October

Branch members from Nott’s and Yorkshire attended a quiz night hosted by the East Yorkshire Branch at the Bowmans Hotel in Howden. In total 30 NOC members attended on the evening.